National Institutes of Health NIH - "Preoperative Assessment Enables the Early Diagnosis and Successful Treatment of Lymphedema"      ( Cancer 2008)

In approximately 2007, Wyatt Rehabilitation was approached by the Impedimed company to assess their L-Dex medical device which uses Bioimpedance aka BIA/ BIS for early monitoring of Lymphedema.  Wyatt was pleased with the devices ability to assist in assessing the condition in its early stages.  Wyatt has been a very early adopter of Bioimpedance technology as a tool to help their patients and was one of the first treatment clinics to assess this technology in the nation.  

Some Breast Cancer Surgeons also use the L-Dex  Bioimpedance tool to monitor their patients to determine if they may need to see a Lymphedema Therapist.  The L-Dex is becoming an increasingly useful tool to assess Lymphedema.  Wyatt and breast surgeons use this system in their toolbox for best patient outcomes.