WOUNDS such as venous stasis ulcers commonly present with surrounding edema.  If the edema is not managed effectively, the wound will not heal.  

Venous stasis ulcers occur in high frequency with patients who have a history of leg swelling, blood clots, and varicose veins.  These ulcers account for 80-90 percent of leg ulcers and affect 500,000 to 600,000 people in the US.  These ulcers are typically below the knee on the inner thigh.  (The Cleveland Clinic)

CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY (CVI) is a venous disease where faulty musculovenous pumping ultimately affects the Lymphatic System.  The faulty Venous pump leads to venous hypertension and passive vein dilation.  The Lymph System over time develops an insufficiency due to the resulting strains.  In the Early stages swelling dissipates lying down but in later stages Lymphedema develops.  Later stages of the condition are referred to as phlebolymphostatic insufficiency.  Many factors can cause CVI from varicose veins to vein pathology and congenital abnormality.  A main cause (1/3) of CVI is from Post-Thrombotic Syndrome following a DVT- even up to 5 years subsequent (Zuther Lymphedema Management 2009).  

Itching, hyperpigmentation, and swelling are often symptoms.  If therapeutic measures are not initiated early, the result is: edema, pigmentation, ulceration, pain, skin conditions, etc...  

Lymphedema and Wound Care

​COMPLETE DECONGESTIVE THERAPY "CDT" is clinically proven technique and is the preferred choice of compression when managing venous stasis ulcers.  Decongestion at the extremity greatly increases the tendency for Venous Ulcers to heal.

Complete Decongestive Therapy influences the veins and lymphatics to do their jobs better which results in a better short-term and long-term outcome.

Complete Decongestive Therapy provides the compression that swollen limbs crave to heal wounds effectively.  The multilayered bandaging with custom pieces of different density foams provide a high working pressure and low resting pressure that allows maximal function of the veins and lymphatics while keeping the limb comfortable at rest.  This allows improved patient compliance, comfort, and better results. ​